Our cookbook, Recipes for a Digital Revolution, features 10 inspiring digital rights campaigns from Latin America in the form of recipes.
Objective: To create a meme and viral videos that draw attention to Internet rights in a humourous but meaningful way.
Serving: Unlimited
- Actors who can kiss for 45 seconds
- A declaration of love for Internet freedom
- A video camera and editor
- A hashtag for the meme
Cooking directions:
Write a declaration of LOVE to the Internet that highlights free speech, openness, access, innovation and privacy. Create a stylish video (“I love Internet. Do you?”) where these principles are read out loud, while a couple kisses in the background.
Who did this?
Derechos Digitales (Digital Rights) in Chile created this cheeky campaign to get organisations to sign on to a Declaration of Internet Freedom and earn an “I Internet” seal of approval.
When? 2014
Link: Derechosdigitales.org/yoamointernet
Great article but it didn’t have evneithyrg-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!
The point of using H.264 is the vast array of hardware supported decoders out there, everything from graphics cards to iphones to xboxes ….I have nothing against Theora, all for it, but it will take years to build up an installed user base of devices offering hardware supoprt for decoding, H.264 is there today
oi, Daki, aitäh! sain kõhutäie naerda, ausalt!ja aamen su jutu peale.inimestel on komme igasugu asju öelda jah. minu jaoks kõige absurdsem kommentaar oli: «Isver, kuidas sa lähed oma lapse juurest 24h-ks ära? Mingile kontserdile, teise riiki?? Ei jõua siis oodata, kuni laps suurem on või?»laps oli selleks ajaks poolteist aastat – 1 aasta ja 6 kuud (et kõik ikka üheselt aru saaks) – vana ja see oli esimene öö, mil ma tast lahus olin.rongaema olen, vaat mis!
Debbie Interesting, Akis… I deleted a photo from one of my albums because I wanted to substitute it, and since then haven’t been able to upload any photos to two albums, even though they’re well under the FB limit – anyone got any suggestions?
Thank you Laura — let’s hope I stay in the lead… sometimes there are rouge contest warriors who surge forward and steal the show. But I’ll try to stay on “top” of this one!