
Hands Off Our Internet in South Africa

Image by Right2Know Campaign (CC BY 2.0)
Brandi Williams
Written by Brandi Williams

Grantee Project

USD $1,500

The context

In March 2015, the Film and Publications Board of South Africa — the administrative body responsible for classifying films, games, and certain publications — drafted a new policy for regulating online content that would give them sweeping powers to remove anything it deems problematic, creating the opportunity to target individuals or organizations with which it does not agree. Any “distributors of content”, from ordinary internet users to major media companies could become targets.

The project

Right2Know aims to build public pressure on the Board to withdraw the drafted regulations. By working with civil society partners, legal NGOs, freedom of expression and media rights groups, and various Internet and media organisations in South Africa and abroad, the campaign has already mobilised a broad coalition. The Hands Off Our Internet project will produce a high-quality video linking the campaign with principles of openness, accessibility, freedom of expression, and the right to information, enshrined in the African Declaration.

It is an extension of pre-existing campaign efforts of the Right2Know Campaign during our 2015-2016 grant cycle.


Learn more about R2K on their website.

About the author

Brandi Williams

Brandi Williams

Brandi Williams is the Partnership Coordinator for the Web We Want. She is in charge of membership and development for the Web We Want initiative, and coordinates relationships with the Web Foundation’s partners and funders.

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