Web We Want

We Did It! Results Of FASTAfrica Action Week

We did it! FASTAfrica Results
Web We Want
Written by Web We Want

Millions of Africans were reached during the FASTAfrica Action Week, not least through media and social media, thanks to the combined activities of more than 30 groups in 20 countries, directly involving at least 3,500 people in a total of 60-100 events from May 1-7, 2016.

Activities included press conferences, workshops, policy meetings, marches hackathons, petitions, and more than a dozen local radio programs and television appearances. Small grants were awarded by Web We Want to help cover the expenses of 30 groups.

You can download our final report here:

Slideshow of photos by participants


On social media we saw 12,100 tweets using the hashtag #FASTAfrica with an estimated reach of 10 million people. The campaign webpage received 119,600 unique visits during the action week, and Facebook posts on Web We Want’s own page received a total of 4,400 “likes”.

Representatives of FASTAfrica attended the World Economic Forum on Africa in Kigali, Rwanda and presented our demands and the outcomes of the action week. Next stop: The African Union Summit!

Selected Activity Reports

These reports are based on notes by participants. We will add more as they come.

Videos by Participants

This is a playlist of nine videos (one after the other) created by groups in different countries.

Poster for download, printing and sharing

Download (PDF, 1.01MB)

About the author

Web We Want

Web We Want

Web We Want is a global initiative of the World Wide Web Foundation to defend internet rights and help shape a better future.


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