
FASTAfrica / Mesh Bukavu Workshop in Democratic Republic of Congo

Web We Want
Written by Web We Want

Grantee Project

Mesh Bukavu held a two day workshop (May 2-3, 2016) in the Democratic Republic of Congo during FASTAfrica Action Week, supported by a small grant from Web We Want. The workshop involved students of different universities and higher learning institutes in the region of Bukavu to discuss how to improve the existing mesh network established by the group, as well as how to connect residents of others towns and villages so they can exchange information freely.

Participants agreed on the need to expand the network to cover all residents of Bukavu in advance of elections, particularly to have a means of communication in case of Internet shutdowns. More electronic books and international news will be uploaded to the network, solar panels will be deployed to help with electricity shortages, and an outreach team will be established to help more citizens learn about the network.

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Web We Want

Web We Want

Web We Want is a global initiative of the World Wide Web Foundation to defend internet rights and help shape a better future.


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